What we do
ReEnergy Africa a mission to raise awareness, implement solutions for inclusion and create a community for renewable energy accelerators.
SDG 7 Advocacy
ReEnergy Africa is focused on extending the conversations through advocacy on the United Nations Sustainable Development Goal 7. We achieve this through seminars, workshops and conferences. In addition, ReEnergy Africa strives to work with relevant stakeholders towards promoting and advocating for clean and sustainable energy access in Africa.
Projects and Finance
ReEnergy Africa understands that to provide renewable energy solutions, technical and financing support is vital. Therefore, we provide proposal development support, advice on financing and business plan development, intermediary support for finance through grant and debt sourcing and insights into regulatory structures across African nations.
Capacity Building Development
Equipping a green economy is paramount to African nations meeting the United Nations Sustainable Development Goal 7. ReEnergy Africa supports capacity building development in Africa through workshops, training and providing learning support materials.
Data, Monitoring, Evaluation, and Learning
Sustainable energy access in Africa is transiting at a tremendous rate. To keep a track record of this journey for inclusivity and transparency, we support Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning projects by providing post-project assessments and reporting, data analytics and project management across renewable energy projects in Africa
Gender and Financial Inclusion in Renewables
ReEnergy Africa understands the impact of women across the renewable energy value chain. We work with small, medium and large cohorts of women accelerating the energy transition in Africa. Our goals for this is to:
What Makes ReEnergy Africa Unique?
A detailed explanation of who we are and what we do by our various partners.
What They Say About Us
"We are promoting innovative technologies to improve access to electricity for Africa while bridging the knowledge gaps through Technical Assistance"
Olumide Fatoki
Head of Unit ( On & Off Grid)
Sustainable Energy Access, GIZ
"Working towards the energy transition in Africa requires the collaboration of all involved parties. The efforts exerted by ReEnergy Africa and key stakeholders are quite essential as they pave the way to sustainable development whilst taking into consideration gender inclusion and climate change issues"
Sara Ibrahim Ahmed Elhag
Senior Sustainable Energy Expert, Regional Center for Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency (RCREEE)
"Indeed the summit is a great program with good opportunities on many fronts"
Edet Daniel ANDEM
Head, Client Management at Baobab Nigeria
We are better Together.
We are currently looking for IPP companies in Africa with a pipeline of matured projects for Isolated and Interconnected Mini-Grids, and currently sourcing for grant and debt to reach financial close and scale their project implementation."